
Looking to be an LBD distributor?
If you're looking to buy in bulk or are someone who finds they are constantly buying lash products and supplies -- this is the program for you! EASY! To be eligible...
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Give 10 Get 10...
Did you know that once you create an account with us you automatically have the option to start saving money on every purchase?! Along with earning points that go towards...
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Intro to Lash Allergies
Is it Allergy or Eye Irriation Series So... you give a client a beautiful, full set of fresh lashes. That evening they call you back telling you...
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Can I boil my tweezers?
We have had a ton of customers coming in lately discussing their lash tool and area sanitization techniques. While a large majority are doing things correctly, we have also had...
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How + When to 》 Raise your Prices
So you've started your lash business and it's going great! Now it's time to up your pricing from either free or your starting lash prices. This can be a daunting...
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