Enjoy permanent access to your own exclusive promo code, offering 15% off all Lashes By Design products.
Get regularly reposted and featured on Lashes By Design’s Instagram.
Receive exclusive product knowledge through virtual training and earn your Lashes By Design Brand Ambassador certification upon completion.
All Brand Ambassadors receive 15% off on training.

As a Premium Brand Ambassador, receive a unique promo code to share with your followers and earn 5% Lash Cash on every purchase made through your code.
Benefit from frequent reposting and featuring on Lashes By Design’s Instagram.

Must include “@LashesByDesign Brand Ambassador” in your Instagram bio.
Must exclusively use Lashes By Design products.
Required to tag Lashes By Design in 5 stories and 1 post per week.
Your personal discount is for your own use, and products must be shipped to the applicant's address.
In-store purchases require ID verification for Brand Ambassadors.
Ready To Become Brand Ambassador
Fill Out Our Application To Get Started Today!